Author: erine

  • (This is a personal learning of someone who is still learning, this might or might not work for you.)

  • Just Do It Now

    If you want to change something from your habits, routine, or anything, do it now. Don’t wait for the new year to come just so you could give yourself some reasons to not do it on the remaining days of this year. We’ve all been there of wanting to start something on a specific date…

  • Does this line familiar to you? I know. But this blog has nothing to do with Taylor Swift’s Song “Dear Reader”, however, that line is so powerful that you could really practice it in your life and might even help you achieve the things that you wanted to achieve. You see, we all love giving…

  • It’s finally the season to be jolly but also the season before we welcome 2023. And while we are excited for Christmas and New Year, there are still things that would be worth your time to do aside from your work tasks and school projects before December ends and 2023 comes. Here are the things…

  • My younger brother will be visiting us in the city shortly, and this will be his first solo trip. While traveling alone is an exciting experience, it also scares the hell out of some people, especially if you came from the province and only used private cars to get to the city, or if you’re…

  • Ever have that moment when you took all the courage that you have, even practice the message, read it a couple of times to make sure you don’t sound rude before sending a message to someone(e.g. Your teacher, your friend, sibling, or your boss) and the moment that it’s already sent, it took them quite…

  • Humans=Books

    Each book in a library has its own story to tell, they are unique in their way–some can be easily torn, others are hardbound, some were ruined already, and others were new, however, they are the same books that are valuable. This is the same with humans–they have their own stories to tell, their viewpoints,…

  • During my childhood years, I was one of those kids who would wave above whenever an airplane or a helicopter passed our home. I would always wonder how would it feels like to be there, sitting, looking through the window, and be able to see the clouds from a near distance. And finally, a childhood…